
Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I will look into
In my current approach, the process of sending the
mail is time consuming.I'm concerned that sending an
email to 1000's of recipients from my application
(using JMS, Thread etc) would clog my application
server (OC4J) and slow down its operation, which is
why I was wondering if it could be done at the
backend-Oracle 9i.


--- Kirk Wylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shyam A wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have a Struts application in which I need to
> send
> > email notification to a large number of recipients
> > based on a user action. Currently, I use the Java
> Mail
> > API and send emails from my application. I use a
> > single email with all recipients in the "BCC"
> field.
> > 
> > Although, this approach works reasonably well for
> > small numbers (around 100), it doesn't seem
> suitable
> > for mailing very large number of recipients (in
> the
> > order of 1000's). I'm not sure if the mailing
> process
> > can be done at the backend with Oracle 9i
> database,
> > using a stored procedure or a trigger.
> What specifically is taking a long time? Is it the
> generation of the 
> email, or its sending? Because most email servers
> should make sending 
> such a message quite quick as they're doing the
> actual caching and 
> sending to multiple recipients.
> But in general, you might look into JMS for this
> type of thing (i.e. 
> some way to "background process" an operation),
> since it's the standard 
> J2EE way to do asynchronous event management like
> this.
> An alternative which is a little messier, but is
> probably quicker to do, 
> is to have a thread-based operation which you kick
> off in your Action 
> class immediately before returning from
> execute(...). It would then 
> create and send the email. In this case you would
> return control to the 
> user (who's the one who caused the mass email to
> kick off) immediately, 
> and background-process the emails. The major
> problems here are:
> 1) There are "better" ways to do this (i.e. JMS
> and/or message driven beans)
> 2) You're potentially creating a large number of
> threads if this is 
> happening on a regular basis. But if it is, that's
> even more reason to 
> use JMS or a commercial bulk emailing system (where
> bulk != spam)
> 3) You can't provide immediate feedback to the user
> about the status of 
> the mail job because it's happening in the
> background.
> 4) Because it's not transactional (unlike JMS), you
> might "lose" the 
> email if there's a failure.
> Kirk Wylie
> M7 Corporation
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