        I'm thinking of looking into WebWork, to try a Pull MVC, rather than
the Push MVC of Struts.
        I'm also looking for a simplicity of taglibs and close integration
with JSTL (I know, I could use Struts-EL). 
        Struts works and is being adopted widely but I'm still up for
performing a comparison with another MVC framework.

Nick Faiz

-----Original Message-----
From: Ajay Patil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 5 December 2003 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Disadvantages of Struts


Has anyone compared the configuration of JSF vs Struts ?

Struts has a good mechanism to specify the forwards for each Action.

JSF has a different approach. 
In faces-config.xml, you can specify navigation rules. 

You can specify something a navigation rules like..


I find this better, because you can specify both the "FROM" webpage 
and the "TO" webpage in the navigation rule.

Also event-handling is nice in JSF. For example, you can implement 
a web-screen as one Java class and specify event-handling methods to 
each submit button.

So far, I have really liked JSF.


> I think an action's mapping is a decision by the action itself. 
> Like I said earlier, when an application development finishes, that 
> decision will become static. At that point, when an Action's mapping 
> changes, its code will have to change too (unless the new mapping is 
> kind of a synonym to the old mapping, which doesn't bear any shift in 
> the semantics). As such, there is almost no point in keeping the 
> decision and the code separate (i.e. making the decision's 
> configuration a loose end of the code). Or at least,
> configuration shouldn't be the only way to add or modify an Action.

> Even though each Action's configuration may be small, the 
> configurations for all the Actions need to be kept track of and 
> maintained (for integrity). That may be a significant but unnecessary 
> side work. To view the mappings, there can be a tool to traverse the 
> structure by api calls and display it. That can be done after the 
> fact and doesn't have to be before it. In addition to that, when the 
> decision (or configuration if any) goes where the code lives, 
> modularity increases.


> - Robert.

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