
I have the same situation, and it only changes the default configuration to
module specific one if the request is to an action wich is declared inside the
So, i think you must have an index.jsp page in the default module that calls
some action in the admin module (/admin/*.do).

/index.jsp shall be:
<jsp:forward page="/admin/logon.do" />

and 'logon' shall be declared in struts-admin-config.xml as follows:
<action path="/logon" type="your.package.LogonAction">
    <forward name="success" path="logon.jsp" />

no changes in your web.xml

I hope it helps and works!!

Henrique Viecili

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lawrence Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 7:38 AM
Subject: Problems with modules


In my web.xml I have defined a default and named module as follows:





Where index.jsp is simply:

<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-logic" prefix="logic" %>
<logic:forward name="logon"/>

However, it seems that when I request the absolute URL:

http://localhost/myApp/admin/ (i.e. index.jsp)

Struts seems to look in my default struts-config.xml rather than in the module
specific struts-config-admin.xml

i.e. I get

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find global ActionForward for name logon

The global-forward


Is defined in struts-config-admin.xml

I can tell struts is looking in the wrong place because if a make a forward in
thew default config struts resolves the forward....

Any suggestions?


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