On Friday 19 December 2003 15:26, Andrew Hill wrote:
> Nah mate. EL, is FAR from being a "new version". Its just an extra taglib.
> (The taglibs are like 5% of what struts does (well ok, a bit more if you
> include tiles in the equation!)). I dont even use JSP myself, so I could be
> barking up the wrong tree, but AFAIK there is absolutely nothing to stop
> you using the EL tags and the ancient tags in the same page?

Yes you can quite easily, but I would be concerned about confusion and 
possible bugs due accidentaly using the wrong tag, etc.

> I believe EL works best in conjunction with JSTL tags, and I think that
> where the old tags duplicated JSTL is whats been left out.

Correct as I undertand.

> I hear that the newest version of JSP (supported by TC5) allows use of EL
> type expressions anywhere on the page or in tag parameters (thus making the
> EL tags obsolete).

I also heard this but haven't looked at it.

BTW, This was posted by one of the struts maintainers in reply to a similar 
question I asked last week:

"......the only reason it doesn't 
ship with the other taglibs is because it requires a 2.3/1.2 container.

When a 2.3/1.2 container is in play, I do tell my own clients to prefer 
Struts EL to the conventional HTML taglib, and to prefer JSTL to the 
other Struts taglibs, when convenient. (OT: I also advice people to 
create their own JSP taglibs as needed, especially when doing so reduces 
the number of tags on a page.)

Of course, some teams are comfortable with the conventional tags and may 
choose to stay the course. As long as the Community is using the 
conventional taglibs, I'm sure they will remain available.

But, if this is a "duty now for the future" question, the answer is JSTL 
and Struts EL.



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