> From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Still, if you are in a position to limit your audience (such as with
> intranet apps) to just the more common modern browsers (IE5+, 
> Mozilla) there is indeed a lot you can do with DHTML.

I should have said that up front-- it is intranet and we can (and do)
refuse to support browsers which won't play nicely.  All I officially
have to support is a reasonably recent IE & Netscape.  And they can't
disable javascript, or they won't get very far. :)  I don't go out of my
way to break stuff on other browsers (and I test from home on
Mozilla/Konqueror) but if it gets to be too much trouble, I don't have
to mess with it.

Thanks for the tips!

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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