It is a complement that Microsoft is worried about the feature set of
struts.  However, a lot of the stuff that comes in ASP.NET sounds good
compared to the java equivalents.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 6:16 AM
> Subject: .NET: We are just like Struts... only better.
> Just like everyone else..... 
> n-us/dnaspp/html/aspnet-aspnet-j2ee-struts.asp
> This was fun to read, it puts a smile on my face. Somone has 
> a chip on 
> their sholder.
> *
>   Main point made in there: Do not use JDBC, you make us look 
> bad, use 
> an auto caching DAO (data caching in data layer, get it). 
> Clients I see 
> in real life do, but some people on this list dont use a DAO 
> and.... do 
> caching in layers other than Model.
> *
> "Struts framework is ... many of its key components have been 
> absorbed 
> into the main J2EE framework." - not one! CommonsBeans? 
> CommonsCollections? CommonsValidator? Tiles? Action? 
> FormBean? It's a community of users, not a vendor thing. I do 
> not think they get it. They think Sun does Struts? Look 
> MS."There is no vendor". It' called open source. If Sun shuts 
> down... it will have no impact on the market (for example 
> jRockit JVM, 
> one of 6 VM's I know - 

Save session state to db... I hope no one here does that (but I do think 
that if .Net suggests for them to do it, GREAT)

Version is a strength of .Net? Have you ever had .DLL hell?

OK, I do not think the author knows that J2EE comes with built in JAAS 
and... it's declerative role based security. Struts and other tags uses 
Servlets (since 2.2, go read JavaDoc) Role based API.

Again, I do not think the Author is familiar with localization in 
Java... for example JSTL's localization.

Again... on testing, I happen to use OpenSta that runs circles. I think 
he is implying that I can't test in J2EE. The benefit of MVC layers is 
that you can test each layer.

PageController is an MVC? Looks a lot like MV... with a small c.

This is commic: "How to migrate Struts to ASP". ??

That is what I want to do, get propiratory with a Vendor, who want's choice?
You know, clients no longer say.... should I use .Net or Struts, topic 
just does not come up for large projects.

Oh, does it run on the largest comercial platform, Linux?

I do my development on Linux, w/Eclipse and Tomcat and pgSQL. but, every 
3 months, I reformat my windows machinee and re-install XP.
I do not do this with Linux(Fedora)... and I guess my new OSX is BSD, 
but I have had it less than 3 months.


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