On 27/12/2003 20:55, "Brady Hegberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Of course!  I just need to forward to the def that corresponds to the
> user's settings.  Very simple and elegant.
> However, theoretically, what if I had three tiles in a definition, each
> of which could get any one of the same 10 different values.  In that
> case I'd need to create 1000 definitions in my tile-defs.  Is there a
> simple way around that?

  Have you tried to use a definition that uses a jsp file that does a
conditional include according to a given parameter?

<definition name="choose.def" extends="base.def">
  <put name="header" value="/header.jsp"/>
   <put name="body" value="/choose.jsp"/>  <-----
   <put name="footer" value="/footer.jsp"/>

----> choose.jsp

<c:import url='/WEB-INF/com/website/tiles/choose/${request.choose}'/>

Pedro Salgado

>> There are a number of options available here, i'd have a different def
>> that extends showList , I'd call this base.list and then have different
>> defs per list.
>> name="user.list" extends="base.list"
>> in fact i assumed you'd only have to over load body, you could even
>> have a def as the value of body.
>> On 27 Dec 2003, at 06:12, Brady Hegberg wrote:
>>> I've been trying to find the best way to handle a situation where you
>>> have various formats for a tile and the tile appearance is chosen at
>>> run-time.
>>> <definition name="showList" extends="mainLayout">
>>>   <put name="header" value="/header.jsp"/>
>>>   <put name="body" value="/????"/>
>>>   <put name="footer" value="/footer.jsp"/>
>>> </definition>
>>> And I have content1.jsp, content2.jsp and content3.jsp which can be
>>> loaded into the page
>>> Should I:
>>> 1.  Have a single tile with choose statements to determine the format.
>>> 2.  Have a single master tile which chooses between various tiles and
>>> loads the selected one?  (If possible?)
>>> 3.  Have a ClassController or TilesAction class which changes the tile
>>> object and loads the chosen tile into the tile object before displaying
>>> it.  (If so how is this done?  Any examples available?)
>>> I found a couple similar references in the archives but no definitive
>>> answer.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brady
>>> PS:  It would be cool if you could create an action for a tile and then
>>> do an actionForward which returns the chosen tile into the correct spot
>>> on the calling page but I don't believe this is possible.  At least
>>> I've
>>> never seen anything that indicated it could be done.
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