Hi Folks,

I have a simple login.jsp that I want to validate. So I have a Class
"LoginForm" with a "validate" method, that fills up the ActionErrors with
the errors that might occur (missing username/password, wrong
username/password). Later the execute method of the corresponding Action
class "LoginAction" checks those ActionErrors. If not empty I try to
return a forward to "failure.jsp".

The problem I have is that before my LoginAction could execute my custom
forward the RequestProcessor of Struts tells in the logs, that validation
has failed and request will be forwarded to /login.jsp (which is of course
the input item of this action in struts-config.xml). When a validation
error occurs my LoginAction class is never called.

I searched the archive of this list already but couldnīt get through the
solutions I found there. I still donīt understand why this is happening
and what I can do to redirect to a custom failure.jsp.

Could someone please explain in newbie-style ;-) ?

Thanks & Regards!


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