Thank you for your advices! That helped improving my understanding of
struts alot! At first glance I like the aproach with "validate=false" and
calling the validate method myself in the LoginAction class, so I have the
control when to validate.



> I generally like to stay away from using login.jsp AND a failure.jsp.
> Mainly
> because its two different pages to maintain, when they look very similar.
> So use just login.jsp for both just simple login, and failure.
> I would suggest that in your DisplayLoginAction or similar, set a request
> attribute like isDisplayLogin that tells you that it is not a failure. If
> after validation failture you are being forwarded to login.jsp ,
> isDisplayLogin will not be set. Now you can render the jsp with your
> failure
> stuff.
> I am not a Struts expert, but my feeling is that you SHOULD be checking if
> user has entered login and password, but you SHOULD NOT be checking if
> that
> combination is right in the FormBean. That SHOULD be done in the Action,
> so
> you can decide what to do next..
> My authentication filter is not implemented using struts, so I don't use
> the
> above scenario myself, yet.
> My 2 cents..
> Pritpal Dhaliwal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Hightower [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 9:20 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: ActionForm - redirect to custom JSP after validation failed
> First, the behavior experiencing is as designed. I suggest getting a good
> book on Struts geared for Struts novices like Professional Struts
> published
> by Wrox (written by James Goodwill and me).
> You can turn validation off in the action mapping (action element in the
> struts config file) by setting the validate attribute to false (the
> default
> is true).
> That said....
> Here is what I would do (and have done in a similar situation).
> Turn validation off by setting validate=false on the action mapping:
> <action path="/foo" name="loginForm" validate="false"
> type="">
>       <forward name="failure" ...
> </action>
> Have the action's execute method calll the validation method of the
> ActionForm, then forward to anywhere you would like.
> ActionErrors errors = form.validate();
> //if errors not empty forward to failure
> return mapping.findForward("failure");
> Rick Hightower
> Developer
> Struts/J2EE training --
> Struts/J2EE consulting --
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Schlaefcke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 9:27 AM
> Subject: ActionForm - redirect to custom JSP after validation failed
> Hi Folks,
> I have a simple login.jsp that I want to validate. So I have a Class
> "LoginForm" with a "validate" method, that fills up the ActionErrors with
> the errors that might occur (missing username/password, wrong
> username/password). Later the execute method of the corresponding Action
> class "LoginAction" checks those ActionErrors. If not empty I try to
> return
> a forward to "failure.jsp".
> The problem I have is that before my LoginAction could execute my custom
> forward the RequestProcessor of Struts tells in the logs, that validation
> has failed and request will be forwarded to /login.jsp (which is of course
> the input item of this action in struts-config.xml). When a validation
> error
> occurs my LoginAction class is never called.
> I searched the archive of this list already but couldnīt get through the
> solutions I found there. I still donīt understand why this is happening
> and
> what I can do to redirect to a custom failure.jsp.
> Could someone please explain in newbie-style ;-) ?
> Thanks & Regards!
> Chris
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