You cannot nest these tags, inner tags must close b4 you close the outer

You could give this a try,

<bean:define id="suffix" name="userQuestionaireForm"
<html:form action="<%=(suffix.equals("MP")) ? "/UpdateUserQstMP" :

You get the idea right...


-----Original Message-----
From: Raman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:09 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Form submission

I want to implement something like this:

Conditional checks: for form submission to different Actions

<logic:equal value="MP" name="userQuestionaireForm"
<html:form action="/UpdateUserQstMP">
<logic:notEqual value="MP" name="userQuestionaireForm"
<html:form action="/UpdateUserQst">

But this is giving me error [ServletException  "Unterminated tag'"
if i remove the logic tags it works fine.

Can anybody help me in this or give me some idea...

-- Raman

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