I have a simple DynaValidatorForm (just 3 items: name, description, action)
that is reused
for several forms.

The issue that I'm having is that the names of the form elements might be
different from one form to the next.  For example, on one page the 'name'
might be called 'Project Code' and on another page it might be 'widget Short
Name' and so on.  So far I'm writing out distinct .jsp pages for each form,
because I can't seem to get around having to do: <bean:message
key="projectCode.desc"/> and <bean:message key="widget.desc"/>.

Is there a way to pass in some variable to the bean tag so that I can define
the variable once such as:
<bean:message key="<%= control %>.desc"/>?  So far I haven't found anything
that works.

Also, when I am using validation on my form, is there anything I can do to
get the page-specific text to appear in my error messages?  I bet someone's
going to complain if I use a really generic description of name and

Thanks in advance,

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