Or use the Struts Workflow extension...


On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 10:26, Simon McCaughey wrote:
> From: "Ashish Kulkarni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 10:30 PM
> Subject: stop user from clicking the submit button twice
> > Hi
> > I have a process which takes about 30 seconds, i want
> > to show some kind of image or disable the submit
> > button untill the process is complete and tell user
> > that the process is running
> > How can i do it, i m using struts1.1
> > any code example or article will greatly help
> >
> You could use some simple JavaScript to disable the button once its been
> clicked, or a simple JavaScript function to count the number of clicks and
> increment, if count!=1  then pop up an OK dialog saying "page processing -
> please wait".
> If you want to stay away from JS, you could set up your form submit to
> redirect to a "processing please wait" type page, and then do the actual
> processing as a submission of that page. Should be fairly simple.
> S.
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Dr. Sean Radford, MBBS, MSc

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