Between versions 1.47 and 1.48 of conf/share/validator-rules.xml, the "javascript" block for validateRequired was removed. Now when I drop that file into my webapp, my form which only has required validations comes up with this as the entirety of its JavaScript block:

<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript1.1">

<!-- Begin

var bCancel = false;

    function validateForm(form) {
        if (bCancel)
      return true;
       return true;

//End -->

When I use 1.47, I get the normal behavior. This form only has required validations, so I'm assuming it's related to the removal of the javascript for validateRequired, which is the change between these versions.

Is there something I'm supposed to know to switch to the latest version of validator-rules? I'm using commons-validator-1.1.1.jar and the Struts nightlies from sometime in the last week. Do I need a newer commons-validator?

I'll file a bug if it's a bug, but I thought I'd ask if there was some documentation that I'd missed before doing that.


Joe Germuska
"Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining."
-- Jef Raskin

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