Hi to y’all,


I’m trying to integrate Pajes (www.apache.org), a Servlet Presentation Framework, with 
Struts. The idea is to use Struts’ MVC separation (Action, ActionForms, ActionServlet, 
etc…) WITHOUT using Struts’ presentation tools (i.e. no JSP, ergo no JSP Tags), just 
plain XHTML templates (in conjunction with the Pajes framework I just mentioned).


I’m not interested in an XSLT-based solution (for now).


The problem I’ve come across:


For connecting with Pajes, I’ve thought about a Servlet (kind of a “View” Dispatcher) 
that should be the “entry point” to all Pajes-related requests. Then, one would do 
things like this:


package org.gn.samples.strutspajes.login;




public class MyFirstAction extends Action {


  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping actionMapping…) {

    MyFirstActionForm theActionForm = (LoginActionForm) actionForm;

    if (…) {

      return actionMapping.findForward("/some_other_typically_mapped_page");

    } else {


      ActionForward af = new 
 "theTemplateFilename.html", request);

      return af;





… where the generated ActionForward object points to the aforementioned Servlet, 
including on that URL the corresponding parameters. Examples:


 (in case this is the default web application)


 (in case this is not the default web application and the name is “webappname”)


This solves the problem of “delegating” from Struts to Pajes.


HOWEVER, I have not solved yet the data access method part. I NEED TO BE ABLE TO 
RECOVER THE APPROPRIATE ActionForm object FROM THAT Servlet (actually, in a factory 
class, but I don’t want to bother you with all the details) so that the 
view-generating class can “paint”, WITHOUT REPLICATING THE ActionForm Management 
(especially, the scopes management) ALREADY PERFORMED BY Struts. HOW CAN I DO THAT???


(1)     Is there some method (+ class) that, given an Action class (/classname), 
returns the ActionForm object its currently associated to? (if any)

(2)     What’s the minimal information that one needs to retrieve an Action’s 
corresponding ActionForm object?

(3)     How can I do it from an ordinary Servlet?


Note that I’m trying to avoid passing it through the Session. My initial idea was to 
take advantage of the classes behind the tag libs that do this, but from what I’ve 
seen so far (I mean, its source code), that is not possible (the code is too tied to a 
JSP environment).


This is my first “effort”. Therefore, I’m not worried about being able to do 
EVERYTHING that can be done through the tag libs. For now, the only thing I look 
forward is to be able to recover the appropriate ActionForm object associated to that 
Action from where redirection took place (ActionForward, that is).


I’d really appreciate any thoughts on this matter.




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