there is an escapeXML attribute on the core:out tag set it to true

-----Original Message-----
From: Ricky Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 9:42 AM
Subject: how to output html symbol to jsp page from user-defined taglib?

hi, thanks for reading..

i have a problem about output a html symbol from

if i in a jsp page, use the code below:

String abc="&gt;";

it can show the symbol ">";

if in my taglib class, i use code below:

pageContext.setAttribute("symbal", "&gt;");

and in the jsp page, i use code below to output the
page context attrubite.

<c:out value="${symbal}" />

it doesn't show me the ">" symbol, it still show me

please help me....thanks! 

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