Andy Engle wrote:

Hi all,

Is there any slick way of putting breadcrumbs into a web app with
Struts?  If so, what's the preferred way?



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I did this using tiles. I have my tiles extending a base layout, then each sub-menu item extends the parent tile definition
(first level)
<definition name=".main.admin" extends=".layout">

(second level)
<definition name=".main.admin.workflow.list" extends=".main.admin">

Now, for breadcrumbs I would define breadcrumb0 in the first level. As the second level extends the first, breadcrumb0 will be included. In the second level I define breadcrumb1

<definition name=".main.admin" extends=".layout">
       <put name="title"  value="admin.title" />
       <put name="body"  value="/WEB-INF/jsp/tiles/admin/admin.jsp" />
       <putList name="breadcrumb0" >
           <item value=""
               classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem" />

<definition name=".main.admin.workflow.list" extends=".main.admin">
<put name="title" value="workflow.list.title" />
<put name="body" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/tiles/admin/workflow/list.jsp" />
<putList name="breadcrumb1" >
<item value=""
classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem" />
</putList> </definition>

I had originally wanted to just to be able to add an item to the breadcrumb list, but that is not possible in xml. In my layout.jsp page I then use

<tiles:useAttribute name="breadcrumb0" ignore="true" />
<tiles:useAttribute name="breadcrumb1" ignore="true" />
<tiles:useAttribute name="breadcrumb2" ignore="true" />

<!-- breadcrumbs -->
<div class="breadcrumbs">
<span class="breadcrumb mainnavitem"><html:link forward="homepage" titleKey="homepage.title"><bean:message key="" /></html:link></span>

<c:forEach items="${breadcrumb0}" var="crumb">
<span class="breadcrumb mainnavitem"><bean:message key="breadcrumb.separator" /> <html:link forward="${}" titleKey="${crumb.tooltip}"><bean:message key="${crumb.value}" /></html:link></span>

<c:forEach items="${breadcrumb1}" var="crumb">
<span class="breadcrumb mainnavitem"><bean:message key="breadcrumb.separator" /> <html:link forward="${}" titleKey="${crumb.tooltip}"><bean:message key="${crumb.value}" /></html:link></span>

<c:forEach items="${breadcrumb2}" var="crumb">
<span class="breadcrumb mainnavitem"><bean:message key="breadcrumb.separator" /> <html:link forward="${}" titleKey="${crumb.tooltip}"><bean:message key="${crumb.value}" /></html:link></span>
<!-- end breadcrumbs -->

Hope that make somes sort of sense. If not ask me a question and I will try to explain better.

Jason Lea

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