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-----Original Message-----
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To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [OT] JSP or Velocity

JSTL in Action
Rick DeBay

On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 13:45 , A.White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

>Thanks for your answers, they are all greatly appreciated
>I think I'll be using JSP and JTSL then.  However I have tried to look
>for some good tutorials for JTSL but have failed to find any that have
>addressed the basics.  
>Any pointers to resources (apart from www.google.com ;-) ) will receive
>huge karma and gratitude in their next life
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andrew Hill
>Sent: 27 February 2004 13:35
>To: Struts Users Mailing List
>Subject: RE: [OT] JSP or Velocity
>Yes, Velocity has been around for quite awhile now, and it was intended
>to address many of the problems inherent in (older versions of) JSP.
>Nowdays JSP (especially JSP2) coding techniques and technologies have
>rather caught up with velocity. Your assesment that it doesnt add much
>value over the EL capabilities in JSP2 is pretty much on the mark. Of
>course it wasnt always this way and for a long time velocity was much
>nicer. (Still looks nicer ;->)
>I reckon you are also correct in believing that velocity design provided
>a lot of the inspiration for the jstl stuff.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Larry Meadors
>Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 21:26
>Subject: Re: [OT] JSP or Velocity
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/27/04 5:44 AM >>>
>> I am starting to develop an application using struts and have been 
>> looking round the rest of the Jakarta project and came across the 
>> Velocity project.
>> I was interested to see which which people recommended for a relative 
>> newbie
>After looking at velocity, I am certainly of the opinion that it adds no
>value over jsp2/jstl. It offers absolutely nothing that the jsp2/jstl
>combination does not. The only difference is that velocity is a bit more
>terse (if/else/end instead of
>//) and that it uses # instead of the .
>It is important to note that I am talking about jsp2 and tomcat 5, not
>the jsp1 in tomcat 4.
>A while back I looked in detail at the jsp/velocity comparison on the
>velocity site.
>There are several issues with the comparison. The person writing the
>case study was cleary biased towards velocity and had never even
>considered JSTL (which in all fairness may not have been available at
>that time). Looking at the code (both the velocity and jstl versions are
>below) I think that velocity clearly had an influence on the jsp2/jstl
>The first thing I noticed was that the two pages do not do the same
>thing. The jsp turns off the session (the vm does not). The jsp stores
>variables that are never used which were factored out in the vm version.
>The vm version
>is missing required code (for example, the repCode and urlEvent
>variables are never defined).
>The jsp page is also *very* poorly written using scriptlets. You should
>rarely need to use scriptlets in jsp1/jstl pages, and I suspect with
>jsp2/jstl, you will not ever
>*need* to.
>With struts, you do not need to use  tags either because
>the controller does that for you.
>The jsp2/jstl version is a bit more verbose because it is based on xml
>so you cannot have things like if/else/end because they are unbalanced,
>but other than that, there are no significant differences.
>After converting the page to use JSTL and eliminating ALL of the 
>stuff, we get something more like this:
>The JSP version:
>   bgcolor="white">
>           Topic: ${meeting.topic}
>value="${meeting.participation[event.fromId]}" />
>value="${yapper.participantId}" />
>value="${yapper.participantId}" />
>           ${meeting.meetingId}:${repId}
>The velocity version:
>   bgcolor="white">
>           Topic: $meeting.getTopic()
>           #foreach( $event in $meeting.getStoredEventsIterator() )
>               #set( $yapper =
>$meeting.getParticipation($event.getFromId()) )
>               #if( $event.getClass().getName().equals($urlEvent) )
>                   #if( $repRole.equals($yapper.getRole()) )
>                       #set( $repId = $yapper.getParticipantId() )
>                   #else
>                   #end
>               #elseif( $event.getClass().getName().equals($chatEvent) )
>                   #if($repRole.equals($yapper.getRole()) )
>                       #set( $repId = $yapper.getParticipantId() )
>                   #else
>                   #end
>                   $event.getStoredData() 
>               #end
>           #end
>           $meeting.getMeetingId():$repId
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