Thanks Ramadoss.  You led me to look into my web.xml file.  It is mapped to
*.exec and not *.exe.  It's an oversight on my part.

Let me elaborate my question #3:
If my .JSP has a <html:form action="/app/UpdateOrder?id=30" ....>,  I know
when I click a 'submit' button to get to an Action class, I can retrieve the
id in my Action class by doing "String id = Request.getParameter("id");"
But if my .jsp uses a link to pass the id such as
 <a href="app/UpdateOrder.exec?id=30">...... In other words, I get to the
Action class through a 'link' rather than a 'submit', can I still use "
String id = Request.getParameter("id"); " to retrieve the id?  I tried it
and I can't find "id" from the Request object.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ramadoss Chinnakuzhandai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 6:24 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Action not forwarding to another Action

<If Im not wrong>if ".exe" is what you hv configured in web.xml then I see
there is no reason why it is not picking up </>

possible reason could be...

make sure that you are forwarding to "Content" which is mapped to
"/app/ListOfOrder.exe" in your OrderMaintainAction

>>1) Can someone also tell me if I have a "Request attribute" defined in 
>>OrderMaintainAction, if the above redirection works, will I be able to 
>>see the same "Request attribute" in OrderSearchAction?

the same scenarion where I'm not able to get the value of request attribute
which I set in my previous Action class then I set as session attribute and
Im able to get that value in the other Action class where Im redirecting to.

>>2) A general question: if formA is linked to formB through a 'link'.   If
>>click on the 'link' in formA, can I get to the passed parameter of 
>>FormA by doing Request.geParameter("id") or I can only retrieve 'id' 
>>throught a 'submit' rather than through a 'link'?

I dont really understand your point but I assumed that you are passing a
parameter from one form to another in such case if you are calling other
page/calling action class by passing request parameter you could get those
parameters on the other page/action class. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Au-Yeung, Stella H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 5:51 PM
Subject: Action not forwarding to another Action

   I have a similar problem that I can't invoke OrderSearchAction.exe from
OrderMaintainAction.  I set a debug breakpoint at the beginning of
OrderSearchAction and never get there.

    <action    path="/app/DeleteOrder"
        <forward name="Content" path="/app/ListOfOrder.exe" redirect="true"
        <forward name="ContentError" path="/app/DeleteError.jsp"/>

    <action    path="/app/ListOfOrder"
        <forward name="Content" path="/app/ListOfOrder.jsp"/>
        <forward name="ContentError" path="/app/OrderError.jsp"/>


I have two other questions:
1) Can someone also tell me if I have a "Request attribute" defined in
OrderMaintainAction, if the above redirection works, will I be able to see
the same "Request attribute" in OrderSearchAction?
2) A general question: if formA is linked to formB through a 'link'.   If I
click on the 'link' in formA, can I get to the passed parameter of FormA by
doing Request.geParameter("id") or I can only retrieve 'id' throught a
'submit' rather than through a 'link'?

Thanks for any help!

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