On my way to see my crack dealer right this minute :o)

In the request its where is belongs, like pretty much all read only data. Anyone would think that I was arguing in favor of always storing in session..

On 4 Mar 2004, at 17:06, Geeta Ramani wrote:

.as a request attribute..? Look through the archives for a fun and spirited
discussion on request vs. session vars held just over a week or so ago..

P.S. Mark, don't flip out..;)

bort wrote:

Hi all

I have an Action class that loads up a Vector with information from a
database. What I would like to do is pass this Vector to the forwarding JSP
and create a table listing of the data.

I'm thinking of just adding the Vector to the session in the Action class
and then retrieving and iterating through it in the JSP. Is there a better
way to do this?


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