> Hello, Lukas:
> Here's a simple script that can be helpful in these situations:
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> for jar in `ls *jar`
> do
>   echo "checking $jar..."
>   jar tvf $jar | grep
> "org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResourcesFactory"
> done
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> When I checked WEB-INF\lib under a struts-based web 
> application on my system,  it produced the following output:
> #################################################
> checking commons-beanutils.jar...
> checking commons-collections.jar...
> checking commons-digester.jar...
> checking commons-fileupload.jar...
> checking commons-lang.jar...
> checking commons-logging.jar...
> checking commons-validator.jar...
> checking jakarta-oro.jar...
> checking struts.jar...
>    749 Sun Jun 29 21:46:38 PDT 2003
> org/apache/struts/util/PropertyMessageResourcesFactory.class
> #####################################################
> Perhaps you are missing struts.jar?
> btw:  if you are on Windows, you can download either Cygwin
> or uwin (if you prefer ksh)....
> Cordially,
> Oswald

Thanks for the script, Oswald!

I did manually check the presence of all the required stuff once tomcat had
unpacked the war file.
struts.jar is in WEB-INF/lib, together with all the other *.jar s from
struts 1.1, all the *.tld and *.dtd from struts 1.1 are in WEB-INF, and web.xml
and struts-config.xml are in WEB-INF, too.

I had actually downloaded the sources and looked at the
PropertyMessageResourcesFactory, but I couldn't figure out what it needs that's not 

I suspect that some entries in either web.xml or in struts-config are
required that I didn't put in there, or maybe some properties file?

Kind regards


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