Hi All!

I am attempting to use Struts Validator.

All works well, but I am only using the "required" validation in my code.

However, the JavaScript that gets generated, include other functions like
checkEmail, minLength, etc. etc.

Is this expected behaviour?

My code (FYI):
<html:form name="vehicleEnquiry" action="/vehicleEnquiry.do" method="post"
type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorActionForm" onsubmit="return(
validateVehicleEnquiry(this) );"  >


                        <td><bean:message key="label.name" />:</td>
                        <td> <html:text property="name" value="" /> </td>

<html:submit value="Send Enquiry" />
<html:javascript formName="vehicleEnquiry" />



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