
My name is Yaoxuan. I’m a 4th year computer science student from National 
University of Singapore. I’ m quite interested in the iPhone App idea and I've 
around 2-year iOS programming experience. I’ve interned in two start-ups to 
develop iOS app and one of them is on App Store now :) And also one of my iOS 
project is similar to this idea.

I just have one question about  the background GPS tracking. Can the app send 
the GPS location when there is a significant GPS location change instead of 
using time interval?

Because now in iOS 7 all apps in background will be suspended in 3mins, the 
timer that is used for send GPS location periodically will also be disabled and 
the app will stop sending GPS as well after 3mins.  
Though there is a way to keep the background task alive, the way is not 
suggested in App documentation and differs from different iOS systems. The old 
way that works on iOS 6 doesn’t work on iOS 7 now :(  
The only way to wake up a background app temporally is when there is a 
significant GPS location change, and this is done by the iOS system, so we 
cannot set a timer to do it.
There is a link about this problem, Hope it can explain my question clearly :)  

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Yaoxuan Jiang.

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