On 3/6/14, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 2014-03-05 at 16:50 +0300, Joshua Joseph wrote:
> when presenting the link with the latest version - can this be made
> clickable so that it open that link in a browser (and therefore starts
> the download)?

I will check on this. The link is clickable on my system.

> what does your code do in the presence of proxies? shouldn't it show the
> error / response that it received instead of just showing a standard
> warning?
> I like the direction this is going, let's work on making it better!
> /D

Thanks Dirk. I will work on making it better.

*With Kind Regards,*
*Joseph W Joshua*
*+254 724 276 654*
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