Hello all potential Subsurface GSoCers,

As per a recent
another GSoC 2014 milestone is slowly arriving (March 10): expiration of
the period in which would-be student participants discuss application ideas
with mentoring organizations they wish to work with.

Things to consider:

   - Have you posted your Subsurface GSOC Application
   - Have you expressed interest in a project or have written your own
   - Do you understand how Subsurface selects/rates
   - Have you made contact with your mentor and with the Subsurface
   mailing-list as a whole?
   - Have you submitted 2 minor patches <http://trac.hohndel.org/report/13> for
   the Subsurface team to review?

Thanks for your interest and keeping the above points in the forefront of
your attention.

Good luck and "May the odds be ever in your favor." :P
Subsurface Backup GSoC admin
subsurface mailing list

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