Pardon me, the subject line of that post was incorrect. *The Student
Application period BEGINS*. Though the points within the previous post
still apply.

My apologies.

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Kunda Loves Scribus

> Hello all potential Subsurface GSoCers,
> As per a recent 
> post<>,
> another GSoC 2014 milestone is slowly arriving (March 10): expiration of
> the period in which would-be student participants discuss application ideas
> with mentoring organizations they wish to work with.
> Things to consider:
>    - Have you posted your Subsurface GSOC Application 
> template<>
>    ?
>    - Have you expressed interest in a project or have written your own
>    proposal<>
>    ?
>    - Do you understand how Subsurface selects/rates 
> proposals?<>
>    - Have you made contact with your mentor and with the Subsurface
>    mailing-list as a whole?
>    - Have you submitted 2 minor patches<> for
>    the Subsurface team to review?
> Thanks for your interest and keeping the above points in the forefront of
> your attention.
> Good luck and "May the odds be ever in your favor." :P
> /Kunda
> Subsurface Backup GSoC admin
subsurface mailing list

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