On 3 April 2014 18:15, Venkatesh Shukla IIT BHU
<venkatesh.shukla.ee...@iitbhu.ac.in> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:50 PM, Linus Torvalds
> <torva...@linux-foundation.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Venkatesh Shukla IIT BHU
>> <venkatesh.shukla.ee...@iitbhu.ac.in> wrote:
>> > This is my first patch in Main Subsurface code. I am eager to receive
>> > your
>> > feedbacks for any kind of improvements.
>> That can't work. Nothing parses it from the xml, so it may get
>> "saved", but it will never get loaded and thus re-saved.
>>                  Linus
> Sir
> I apologize for my haste and stupidity. I have made necessary changes to the
> parsing mechanism.
> This seems to work fine.
> Please send feedbacks for improvements.
> I have attached the patch with respect to current git commit.


i don't see the need for this feature, but others may find it useful.
if someone has an opinion please comment.
so if a loaded XML has an ID do we ignore the ID saved in the settings?

the "Ticket..." part from the [PATCH] title should be omitted, and
instead you should add:
"fixes #473"
at the bottom of the commit message.

the C/C++ part of the patch uses 4 spaces instead of tab characters,
but also has some other formatting problems.
please refer to the file CodingStyle in the project root.

some examples:

+void set_userid(char* rUserId) {

should be:
+void set_userid(char *rUserId)

+    userid = (char*) malloc(MAX_USERID_SIZE*sizeof(char));

should be:
+ <tabs>userid = (char *)malloc(MAX_USERID_SIZE * sizeof(char));

+    if(userid && rUserId)

should be:

+ <tabs>if (userid && rUserId)

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