> Hmm? Or does that "Kuukauden n. päivä" format sound really wrong to
> people?

Yes, if you really mean to say 'n. day of the month', and not eg.
'Maaliskuun 15. päivä', where 'Maalis' and '15' are the replacement

I think the proper form is '15. Maaliskuuta 2014', the difference being
that you have the year at the end which makes it sound a bit akward if you
put the month before the day(number).

The engineer in me screams for '[YYYY].[MM].[DD].' but I mostly ignore
that voice :-)


Paul-Erik Törrönen   "When science and the Bible differ,
pol...@777-team.org   science has obviously misinterpreted
+358 40 703 1231      its data"
http://poltsi.fi/     Henry Morris, father of 'modern creationism'

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