On Wed, Aug 06, 2014 at 06:50:05PM +0200, Salvador Cuñat wrote:
> Good Afternoon.
> Have been testing Beta5 in WIN7-64 bits and only see a little thing. Just
> after the date/time in, Dive List, there is a "0" (or may be "O").  It is
> not in Linux (latest git). See first attachment.

Excellent find!!!
It turns out that on Windows in Spanish localization the format string for
time puts the time zone in parenthesis. We remove the time zone designator
(as our times don't have a time zone) but didn't remove the parenthesis.

I added a fix for this.

> There is a weird thing on profile if the user has photos added in his .xml
> file but he is not using his usual box (no photos in this), some white
> squares are displayed where the photographs should be shown.

Hmm - I wonder what is better: have the white squares indicate "there
should be pictures here", or have nothing shown?

> Relative to
> this situation, may be a recomendation should be made in user manual: if
> the user shares a divelog (e.g. vía Dropbox) to access it from different
> machines, would be interesting to store the photos there and refer
> subsurface to this storage, so images could be seen on every machine he
> uses.

This goes back to the reported bug that we currently store absolute
filenames. That's a pain when you move between machines. But a generic
solution that works everywhere is near impossible...

> Another weird thing.  In 1 dive  (just and only 1) there is a warning
> ("ceiling")  *before* dive begins.  This is there in both Linux and Win, so
> it's most likely a thing from the .xml file.  I'm pretty sure (not
> absolutely) it wasn't there yesterday.  See 2nd attachment.

Would you send me the XML for that dive?

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