On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Robert C. Helling
<rob...@euve10195.vserver.de> wrote:
> Let me suggest "32%" as a compromise. That should be clearer than a bare 
> number. And for trimix I would keep 18/50 without percent. For a range it 
> would be 28..35%.

Yes, 32% certainly works fof me. It's no bigger than the heading
anyway, if the heading is "Gas".

The "28...35%" format is also much preferable to "EAN28...35", because
the extra character is at the end, not the beginning. So if you have
narrow columns, you miss the percentage sign, not the actual real
information (which is also why the "cuft/min" postfix isn't quite has
horrible as the EAN prefix).

Side note: our worst offender is actually the date field. We print
date/time in a very verbose way, including seconds etc.  I doubt
people even care about the seconds field, and many dive computers
don't give divetime at that resolution anyway. Same goes for dive
duration. If somebody cares about *that* kind of detail of the dive,
they almost certainly can just select the dive and look at the dive
statistics or something.

And there the extra verbosity makes things harder to parse, I suspect.
Just the detail of the information makes it harder to just read it at
a glance.

I'd also love to see "dives on the same day" somehow visually more
clearly in the dive list. I mentioned this to Thomaz in private, that
I find it hard to get a nice overview of the dive trip because the
date field is so dense and "noisy". That's something the dive list
could/should help with, I feel - make it more helpful to show an
*overview* of the dives you have)

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