> I agree with linus. I don't understand why one would ever need the ean
> prefix, it adds nothing.

Indeed. BTW may I point out that there are already columns that have only
the unit in the header. If you strife for consistency and clearness, then
the most obvious fix would be to have (a two line header) Depth\n<chosen
metric of length>, Length\n<chosen time format>, Temp\n<chosen temperature
unit> and so on, and for gas it would be something like Gas\nEANx/He. In a
similar fashion it would be SAC\n<chosen metric of gas per minute>.

So, you put the unit in the header, instead of repeating it on every
single data row.

Does this make sense?

A fun functionality would be to be able to paste/highlight dives in the
list, press ctrl-c, and being able to paste the data of the shown columns
eg. into a spreadsheet ;-)


Paul-Erik Törrönen   "When science and the Bible differ,
pol...@777-team.org   science has obviously misinterpreted
+358 40 703 1231      its data"
http://poltsi.fi/     Henry Morris, father of 'modern creationism'

Paul-Erik Törrönen   "When science and the Bible differ,
pol...@777-team.org   science has obviously misinterpreted
+358 40 703 1231      its data"
http://poltsi.fi/     Henry Morris, father of 'modern creationism'

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