I forgot: if I discard those changes the app crashes...
I this this is useless but... just in case:

  Nome evento problema: APPCRASH
  Nome applicazione: subsurface.exe
  Versione applicazione:
  Timestamp applicazione: 54694da4
  Nome modulo con errori: StackHash_6178
  Versione modulo con errori: 6.1.7601.18247
  Timestamp modulo con errori: 521eaf24
  Codice eccezione: c0000374
  Offset eccezione: 00000000000c4102
  Versione SO: 6.1.7601.
  ID impostazioni locali: 1040
  Informazioni aggiuntive 1: 6178
  Ulteriori informazioni 2: 6178ff2eaa5848264b7eba5c689d0f4d
  Ulteriori informazioni 3: 59a6
  Ulteriori informazioni 4: 59a6f19bd0d27d6544b7dea0e315d9dd

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Davide DB <dbdav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just tried copy & paste and some fields get messed.
> This is my try at copy & paste weight,tanks, tags, buddy,
> Some strange char on the weight type, some tag goes on the tank...
> If I exit without apply those changes the modal dialog is not translated.
> I'm working in Italian. Yesterday eventing I completed the Italian
> translation but those string was not there so I guess it's another
> problem.
> I Attached some screenshots.
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 17 November 2014 15:30, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:
>>> Anyway, Linux is much more resillient to memory errors - Windows crashes
>>> much more aggressively. But I think the crash / corruption should be fixed
>>> (famous last words).
>> yes, seems like i cannot reproduce salvador's steps on Win7.
>>> The translation thing baffles me.
>> on runtime the apps says:
>> can't find Qt localization for locale "bg" searching in "<path>/translations"
>> which i think means that the localization for the *default* UI
>> elements such as OK, CANCEL etc buttons is missing.
>> also for messages and other components.
>> here:
>> http://musescore.org/en/node/30266
>> the comments suggest that TS/QM files have to be included with the 
>> application:
>> ftp://ftp.qt-project.org/qt/l10n/index.html
>> e.g. DE file:
>> ftp://ftp.qt-project.org/qt/l10n/qt-stable/qt_de.ts
>> but for instance, there is still no 'BG' in that list, which tells us
>> that translations may simply be missing for some languages.
>> lubomir
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> Davide
> https://vimeo.com/bocio/videos

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