On 01/09/2015 07:58, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
Hi there,

So I think I have received all the fixes that I was waiting for. What's
left to do is testing and more testing. I am thinking of doing Beta 1
around the end of this week, assuming no show stoppers come up.

Tomaz did some more work on the dive site management, including adding a
way to merge dive sites with identical GPS locations. I'm thinking that it
might be neat to allow a slightly fuzzy search (like a 20m radius or
something), but that's really not a requirement, certainly not for Beta 1).

I also merged all the latest patches for the deco work, Grace's Android
updates and anything else that I saw pending.

If your patch isn't in yet, please resend because I missed it.

Here are the things that I'm aware of that we need to get done at some
point during the Beta cycle (but not necessarily for Beta 1)

- Uemis downloader. Guido is working on that code
- Printing. As usual, Miika can crash things in hard to reproduce ways
- Android app. This needs a good bit of UI love
- Documentation
- Translations

 Do not forget the installation of the final build of Subsurface into the
systems space. There is some contextual dependencies. Just moving the
executable from subsurface/build/ to a different directory destroys the
marble functionality on my machine.

For the translations it would be great if people could check for
consistency. Are all relevant strings marked for translation? Are we
following our guideline of capitalizing the first word and havinging the
rest lower case.

The documentation will in large chunks need to be written, proof-read,
translated. That's a HUGE pile of work. Mind you, I expect about 4-6 weeks
of beta cycle, so there is some time.

I will get to the manual during the next week.

Kind regards,

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