On 01/09/2015 15:15, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
On Tue, Sep 01, 2015 at 12:17:31PM +0200, Willem Ferguson wrote:
  Do not forget the installation of the final build of Subsurface into the
systems space. There is some contextual dependencies. Just moving the
executable from subsurface/build/ to a different directory destroys the
marble functionality on my machine.
Can you be more specific? Which OS?


On Mac OS you simply move the Subsurface.app and this works
On Windows you need to build an installer
On Linux "make install" should do the right thing
willem:~/src$ sudo make install
make: *** No rule to make target 'install'.  Stop.

willem:~/src/subsurface$ sudo make install
make: *** No rule to make target 'install'.  Stop.

willem:~/src/subsurface/build$ sudo make install
[sudo] password for willem:
[  0%] Built target documentationLink
[  0%] Built target documentation
[  0%] Built target link_marble_data
[  0%] Built target printing_templatesLink
[  1%] Automatic moc and uic for target subsurface_statistics
AUTOGEN: warning: /home/willem/src/subsurface/qt-ui/statistics/yearstatistics.cpp: file is empty

AUTOGEN: warning: /home/willem/src/subsurface/qt-ui/statistics/statisticsbar.cpp: file is empty

AUTOGEN: warning: /home/willem/src/subsurface/qt-ui/statistics/monthstatistics.cpp: file is empty

[  1%] Built target subsurface_statistics_automoc
[  1%] Built target version
[  2%] Automatic moc and uic for target subsurface_generated_ui
[  2%] Built target subsurface_generated_ui_automoc
[ 18%] Built target subsurface_generated_ui
[ 20%] Built target subsurface_statistics
[ 20%] Automatic moc and uic for target subsurface
[ 20%] Built target subsurface_automoc
[ 20%] Automatic moc and uic for target subsurface_corelib
[ 20%] Built target subsurface_corelib_automoc
[ 45%] Built target subsurface_corelib
[ 46%] Automatic moc and uic for target subsurface_interface
[ 46%] Built target subsurface_interface_automoc
[ 66%] Built target subsurface_interface
[ 66%] Automatic moc and uic for target subsurface_models
[ 66%] Built target subsurface_models_automoc
[ 77%] Built target subsurface_models
[ 77%] Automatic moc and uic for target subsurface_profile
[ 77%] Built target subsurface_profile_automoc
[ 84%] Built target subsurface_profile
[ 87%] Built target subsurface
[ 87%] Built target themeLink
[100%] Built target translations
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: "Debug"
-- Up-to-date: /home/willem/src/install-root/share/subsurface/data/maps

...  ...  etc  etc

-- Up-to-date: /home/willem/src/install-root/bin/subsurface

If I now run Subsurface from the console (in my Home directory) and click Help -> About Subsurface
 I get V4.4.2 - 1330  (The last Ubuntu binary I downloaded some weeks ago)
Which certainly is not the binary I built from git (SHA g2c4ae23)

Ferguson's finger trouble? (quite possibly, he is quite known for that)

Kind regards,

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