Good morning Guido...

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 09:02:11AM +0200, Guido Lerch wrote:
> > My results were not as good as Linus'
> > After 8h connected to a charger it finally came back to life.
> >
> > When trying to download (empty dive file, so start from the oldest dive)
> > it loads the first set of dives and then ping-pongs between details for #2
> > and details for #3 back and forth and back and forth until the memory is
> > full.
> This is exactly what happened to me with the old code where the offset was
> calculated,
> I completely re-did that part and tested it on 2 different Uemis computed
> which worked like a charm.

That's the problem with trial and error bug fixing / coding. We don't
understand exactly how the two different ids are related. I think they
possibly aren't at all. So you need to figure out the offset by trial and
error. With the three Uemis SDA that I had access to the offset was always
fixed, but I don't even know if that is true.

Here is the relevant excerpt from the debug log (I can send you the whole
log if you think there's anything else in there that's interesting, but I
don't think there is

d_u_i after download and parse start 3 end 12 newmax 12 progress 0.19
::w req.txt 
:tr n0769 (after seeks)
::t /run/media/hohndel/UEMISSDA/ANS/ANS768.TXT 
:tr n0770 (after seeks)
 to buffer - new length 510
buf |object_id{int{3{remote_object_id{int{0{sync_id{in|
reading details for #
::t /run/media/hohndel/UEMISSDA/ANS/ANS769.TXT 
 to buffer - new length 1019
:r: (null)
::w req.txt 
:tr n0771 (after seeks)
::t /run/media/hohndel/UEMISSDA/ANS/ANS770.TXT 
:tr n0772 (after seeks)
 to buffer - new length 510
buf |object_id{int{2{remote_object_id{int{0{sync_id{in|
reading details for #
::t /run/media/hohndel/UEMISSDA/ANS/ANS771.TXT 
 to buffer - new length 1019
:r: (null)
::w req.txt 
:tr n0773 (after seeks)
::t /run/media/hohndel/UEMISSDA/ANS/ANS772.TXT 
:tr n0774 (after seeks)
 to buffer - new length 510
buf |object_id{int{3{remote_object_id{int{0{sync_id{in|
reading details for #
::t /run/media/hohndel/UEMISSDA/ANS/ANS773.TXT 
 to buffer - new length 1019
:r: (null)
::w req.txt 

And repeat at nausea.

> Ca you do me a favour and switch on UEMIS debugging and send me the dump
> files ? This will help me to analyse how your object_id and logfile_nr
> differ from
> mine which will help fixing the matching that obviously doesn't work on you
> Uemis.

On this one (I think this is the third one I had, Linus now has the forth
one, the first two are both dead and I returned them to Uemis) the delta
is 2. On one of mine the delta was 0 (that was the first one which lead to
all kinds of unhealthy assumptions in the initial code that I wrote which
worked for basically no one but me :-) ), on the other it was 3 IIRC. I
don't know what it is on Linus'

> > Cancelling the download from the dialog doesn't appear to work, either.
> > Subsurface is simply hung when doing that.
> A bad on my side that I'll fix.

I saw that you sent a patch for that and another cleanup patch. I will
review the patches (this test was done with yesterday's master) and apply
them unless something seems totally wrong.

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