Running Win7 SP1

Installed ok, no issues seen.

I had done an uninstall prior to installing but some of the logs were kept from 
the last installation and loaded at startup.

Deleted the logs and used the reset all settings button in preferences. Most of 
the settings went back to default except - 

1. Web Server Service ID was kept
2. Font went to a strange setting - not the same as the install font

CLicked New Log, added a dive and then clicked 'save as"

Default settings in preferences  shows 
"C:\Users\fibre\AppData\Roaming\Subsurface\" as location for logs whist 'save 
as' takes you to "C:\Program Files\Subsurface" as default.

Imported 19 dives from ok.

Loaded 13 dives from Suunto D4i via USB ok.

The dive number seems to be based on order loaded rather than date - I 
personnally would prefer the numbering to reflect the date.

Loaded CCR dive using IMPORT LOG FILE.  Default location again is "C:\Program 
Files\Subsurface". File loaded ok but 
had zero as the dive number.

Saved all data to cloud ok.

Restarted but this time getting data from cloud. If you dont have a passowrd in 
the network settings, it doesnt give you an error message, it just stops.

Added location. The first line (in location) is white text on light blue 
background - its very difficult to read.

Tried changing cylinder data but couldnt delete the first entry in table - 
ended up doing a manual gas change at T=0  to allow system to calculate SAC. 
When adding cylinders, the O2 % was different each dive.
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