> > > My divecomputers seem to give the dives to me in the right order so I
> > > can't quite reproduce this here. So of you start with an empty dive file
> > > and load the 13 dives from your D4i they are not numbered in chronological
> > > order? Or is this an issue because you first imported 19 dives from
> > > Divelogs.de and got numbers from there? But even then, it should only
> > > create numbers for the dives loaded from the Suunto if they are ALL newer
> > > than the ones you got from Divelogs.de. So I guess I'm a bit confused here
> > > as to what exactly is happening.
> > 
> > I was doing this late last night instead of sleeping..... 
> Oh, just like I was answering you at 3:30am...
> > What has actually happened is that the Divelog entries are labeled 1-19
> > and the the dive computer entries are labeled 1-13 - which is even more
> > confusing. I think its because there was a later dive in the divelog.de
> > file than on the computer. Maybe a resort and re-numbe might be needed
> > after importing from external source?
> So if the dive computer gives us dive numbers, we take them and don't
> override them. I think for post 4.5 we should change that because that's
> just bogus. But too late to change now. I cannot imagine a scenario where
> I have numbered my dives in Subsurface, download dives from a dive
> computer and then want the dive numbers that the dive computer gave us.
> Yes, if there are no dives in the dive file this might make sense, but
> other than that? I don't think so.

Sorry, I havent been completley clear here. 

I have a divelogs.de logon that I planned to use when I was out of the coutnry 
and want to log a dive.
Becasue of this, it has 17 dives from 2014 and one from september 2015.

I also use a Suunto Computer occasionally, and at present it has 13 dives on it 
all from this year - but excluding the one in september on my divelogs account.

Becasue I was testing, I 
1. Loaded from Divelogs.de
2. Loaded from my Suunto

This of course added dives out of order and got subsurface confused. 

Now I potentially might do this again - add a dive through Divelogs that will 
be earlier than the last entry, or even download my computer out of sequence.

Ideally, I would think that a date re-sort and re-number after importing dives 
would be the way to solve this, but that said I can always manually re-number 
as nexessary
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