On 5 October 2015 at 06:02, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 12:21:56AM +0000, John Smith wrote:
>> Added location. The first line (in location) is white text on light blue 
>> background - its very difficult to read.
> Very easy to read here on Linux. Tried it in the Windows 10 VM and it
> seems easy to read there as well. Then I tried in a Windows 7 VM and you
> are correct - that's almost impossible to read. Yikes.
> We get the colors from the OS - Tomaz, any idea how to fix that? Can we
> make the text font black?

i'm on Windows 7 and i wouldn't say it's difficult to read with the
default theme.
and it's perfectly readable with the other theme that i'm normally using...

what the KMessageWidget does to pick the highlight() colors from the
OS and apply them to the text and background.
so if it looks bad, then any window title bar in the OS should not be
readable but also the instance of "Dive is being edited" which is also
a KMessageWidget.

do you want to be able to set hardcoded values for both the foreground
and background and in that case which RGB values?
the current type of KMessageWidget is called "Information". i can add
another type - e.g. Subsurface_Information, with the 2 hardcoded

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