Despite of huge Tomaz effort (thanks Tomaz) IMHO from usability and
readability pov this layout is poor. It works only on hi dpi screens.
Of course stats are better than nothing. So thank you again.


On Aug 22, 2017 12:24, "Willem Ferguson" <>

> On 21/08/2017 18:18, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> Willem,
> See if this image is better.
> Got this, thank you very much. It looks extremely promising: the
> presentation style looks extremely acceptable.
> A few questions and comments.
> Question 1. Beneath each blue bar for Depth and Temperature is a thin
> (grey?) horizontal line. What does this indicate? For temperature it always
> corresponds to a value of zero °C. For Depth it corresponds to a value of
> between 0 and 15.
> Question 2. The vertical positions of the blue bars in each column, what
> do they signify? For instance, the leftmost bar for temperature (a trip to
> Hoodsport) indicates around 45 (°F ?? = ~7 °C??), but the next blue bar (a
> trip to Maui) indicates 80 (~28 °C ??). Please clarify?(by the way, there
> is an unlabled bar on the extreme left, to the left of the first Hoodsport
> trip. Maybe there was a trip to a site where no locality has been
> defined??). So it may be that the blue vertical bar indicates the minimum
> and the maximum values for a specific trip?? If so, the values for SAC look
> realistic if the measurement unit is l/min. The temperatures looks
> realistic if the measurement unit is °F. The depth values look realistic if
> the measurement unit is m (except that six dive trips have a minimum dive
> depth of zero).
> Comment 1. For this type of graph, it is critical that the calculations
> are done for a *selected set of dives* (i.e. those that have been selected
> directly from the dive list or through the filter tool). I see the tab for
> "Trips" is highlighted here, meaning the graphs are done for *trips* (i.e.
> the leftmost bar indicates a *trip* to Hoodsport). It would be very
> valuable to include the number of dives in brackets after the name of the
> trip, e.g. the trip to Hoodsport may be indicated as *Hoodsport, WA, USA
> (6)*. The six in brackets would indicates that this trip comprised six
> dives and that the leftmost bar for Hoodsport summarises six dives.
> Comment 2. In a statistics panel is would be proper to indicate the
> measurement units (e.g. C or °F for temperature and m/ft for depth and
> l/min or ft3/min for SAC.
> Comment 3. As Davide has argued, there is no reason to keep the depth
> profile while showing statistics, because the depth profile has nothing to
> do with the statistics being shown. On the other hand, since the dive list
> shows which dives or trips have been selected and the map shows all dives
> in an area, one could argue that these panels have some relevance to the
> statistics being shown. Admitting that I know nothing of what the Qt/QML
> implications may be, there is therefore no reason why the statistics panel
> may not be extended to the right to cover the profile panel as well.
> Comment 4. For long trip names it is probably useful if only the first
> 15-20 characters of a trip or dive site name is used, otherwise the
> vertical space for creating graphs becomes very small. My own dive
> localities have rather long names.
> Comment 5. It might enhance the readability of the graphs if, across the
> panel, there are horizontal light grey lines that correspond to every 10
> units on the vertical axis. This would allow easier interpretation of bars
> located towards the right hand side of the panel.
> I hope you find this helpful. Thank you for your time and perseverance in
> doing this. This is going to be a very nice feature.
> Kind regards,
> willem
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