On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Davide DB <dbdav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Despite of huge Tomaz effort (thanks Tomaz) IMHO from usability and
> readability pov this layout is poor. It works only on hi dpi screens.
> Of course stats are better than nothing. So thank you again.

I think it actually works for non hidpi screens if we have less columns, I
think the problem here is that I tested against all trips that I have.
I'm working on the Yearly Statistics now and I think it would be easier to

> davide@mobile
> On Aug 22, 2017 12:24, "Willem Ferguson" <willemfergu...@zoology.up.ac.za>
> wrote:
>> On 21/08/2017 18:18, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
>> Willem,
>> See if this image is better.
>> Got this, thank you very much. It looks extremely promising: the
>> presentation style looks extremely acceptable.
>> A few questions and comments.
>> Question 1. Beneath each blue bar for Depth and Temperature is a thin
>> (grey?) horizontal line. What does this indicate? For temperature it always
>> corresponds to a value of zero °C. For Depth it corresponds to a value of
>> between 0 and 15.
>> Question 2. The vertical positions of the blue bars in each column, what
>> do they signify? For instance, the leftmost bar for temperature (a trip to
>> Hoodsport) indicates around 45 (°F ?? = ~7 °C??), but the next blue bar (a
>> trip to Maui) indicates 80 (~28 °C ??). Please clarify?(by the way, there
>> is an unlabled bar on the extreme left, to the left of the first Hoodsport
>> trip. Maybe there was a trip to a site where no locality has been
>> defined??). So it may be that the blue vertical bar indicates the minimum
>> and the maximum values for a specific trip?? If so, the values for SAC look
>> realistic if the measurement unit is l/min. The temperatures looks
>> realistic if the measurement unit is °F. The depth values look realistic if
>> the measurement unit is m (except that six dive trips have a minimum dive
>> depth of zero).
>> Comment 1. For this type of graph, it is critical that the calculations
>> are done for a *selected set of dives* (i.e. those that have been selected
>> directly from the dive list or through the filter tool). I see the tab for
>> "Trips" is highlighted here, meaning the graphs are done for *trips* (i.e.
>> the leftmost bar indicates a *trip* to Hoodsport). It would be very
>> valuable to include the number of dives in brackets after the name of the
>> trip, e.g. the trip to Hoodsport may be indicated as *Hoodsport, WA, USA
>> (6)*. The six in brackets would indicates that this trip comprised six
>> dives and that the leftmost bar for Hoodsport summarises six dives.
>> Comment 2. In a statistics panel is would be proper to indicate the
>> measurement units (e.g. C or °F for temperature and m/ft for depth and
>> l/min or ft3/min for SAC.
>> Comment 3. As Davide has argued, there is no reason to keep the depth
>> profile while showing statistics, because the depth profile has nothing to
>> do with the statistics being shown. On the other hand, since the dive list
>> shows which dives or trips have been selected and the map shows all dives
>> in an area, one could argue that these panels have some relevance to the
>> statistics being shown. Admitting that I know nothing of what the Qt/QML
>> implications may be, there is therefore no reason why the statistics panel
>> may not be extended to the right to cover the profile panel as well.
>> Comment 4. For long trip names it is probably useful if only the first
>> 15-20 characters of a trip or dive site name is used, otherwise the
>> vertical space for creating graphs becomes very small. My own dive
>> localities have rather long names.
>> Comment 5. It might enhance the readability of the graphs if, across the
>> panel, there are horizontal light grey lines that correspond to every 10
>> units on the vertical axis. This would allow easier interpretation of bars
>> located towards the right hand side of the panel.
>> I hope you find this helpful. Thank you for your time and perseverance in
>> doing this. This is going to be a very nice feature.
>> Kind regards,
>> willem
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