On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 6:58 AM, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:

> On Dec 28, 2017, at 8:50 PM, Miika Turkia <miika.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 5:15 PM, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:
>> I could be wrong (that's one of my defining strength - I am wrong a lot).
>> But here's my analysis:
>> About 2/3 of our users are supported with one single binary, the Windows
>> installer.
>> Another 20% of our users are supported by one single binary, the Mac DMG
>> (we had times had a second DMG for older versions, but given that they
>> tended to get < 100 users, I have not spend much effort on them).
>> The remaining roughly 15% of our users today require us to build about 30
>> different binary packages which take up a significant amount of my time
>> whenever we introduce a new dependency, need a feature from a newer version
>> of a library, or some other way break things. At this point I have managed
>> to bring down the number of build configuration systems to 3 to create the
>> vast majority of those binary packages: the Ubuntu/Launchpad system, the
>> openSUSE/Fedora/OBS system, plus AppImage. Additionally, community members
>> are maintaining always current and very solid binary packages for Arch and
>> Gentoo (I believe). Considering this maybe you can understand my reluctance
>> better.
> Here is a quick run-down from Launchpad for the latest release.
>     4.7.5-1~zesty (56) - 17.04
>         zesty (56)
>             amd64 (53)
>             i386 (3)
>     4.7.5-1~xenial (505) - 16.04 LTS
>         xenial (505)
>             amd64 (472)
>             i386 (33)
>     4.7.5-1~artful (123) - 17.10
>         artful (123)
>             amd64 (120)
>             i386 (3)
> Those are number of people who have installed it, not number of people who
> use it, correct?

Yep, this is the number of people who have installed Subsurface 4.7.5 from

> BTW Out of curiosity, how many users you think we have in total?
> Around 20k users who connected to the update server at least once in the
> last 6 months. This number overstates the number of users as for example I
> am counting for about 20 entries here; every single computer / VM on which
> I have installed Subsurface in the last 6 months shows up... but
> realistically, most NORMAL people have Subsurface on one or two devices, so
> I'm guessing this means we have more than 15k users.

On the other hand, I do not connect to the update server at all :D as it
suffices to have our Launchpad repo configured and getting updates
automatically (if not running master).

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