On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 2:29 AM, Jan Mulder <jlmul...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Tested on Arch Linux with an OSTC3 (desktop only, so no mobile-on-desktop,
> or Android).


> - Successful download over BLE
> - Cannot download over classic BT (it always goes to BLE, even in case
> "force classic" in the UI is chosen). But unsure this is related to the
> transport refactoring.

Yeah, right now the logic is "if we support BLE, and the dive computer
supports BLE, then we'll use BLE".

We'll fall back to rfcomm only when libdivecomputer says that the
divecomputer only does legacy BT.

I realize that we have that "force BT/BLE" thing, but it sadly doesn't
actually set the "bluetooth_mode". That's a boolean, and is true for
both BT and BLE.

I think it does change the "devname", and I guess I could test that.

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