Hi Bryan

> On Jul 9, 2018, at 2:29 PM, Bryan Oliver <oliverwritesc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, I'm new to the mailing list (signed up today!) and to using Subsurface 
> (I am however a dev, so figured I'd just jump in head-first when I found this 
> project).

Yay! We love seeing new users and even more love seeing new developers!

> I noticed when I ran the QT 5.11.1 built on MBP (High Sierra 10.13.4) and 
> clicked:
> Log => Add Dive => Photos => Load Image(s) from File(s)
> - then I select an image (jpg) from file explorer, and hit enter
> Then the app crashes.

So this is with the binary I referenced below, not with something you built 
from source, correct?

> Didn't CC the list, wasn't sure if I should? Mainly wasn't sure if this was a 
> real problem or if I'm just a supernoob to SS and screwed something up.

Yes, please always Cc the list when you think you find bugs or problems. I took 
the liberty of simply adding the list here. 
And pleeeeaaaase don't call the project SS - that's the Schutz Staffel of Nazi 
Germany and some of us (like, err, me) really don't like that abbreviation used 
for Subsurface... If you really have to use an abbreviation, ssrf might work. 
But it's not that many letters, is it? 

> Let me know if I should go digging for logs or if you were able to replicate. 
> Can also make a mini-video.

Typically when an app crashes on the Mac it offers to report the bug. Take it 
up on that offer and look at the stack traces that it shows - especially for 
the thread that crashed. Then send that stack trace with your report. Or dig in 
and fix the bug :-)

In this case I wasn't able to reproduce your crash here - but that might only 
mean that I didn't quite hit the scenario that you used in the first place. Can 
you give more information, maybe even send a test image plus the precise steps 
to reproduce this?

Thanks so much

And again: WELCOME

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