Thanks! Sorry about the abbreviation, didn't even think about that but
yikes, very good point.

Yes it was with your referenced binary, think I had a typo in my first
email ("built" instead of "build"). I'll pull the crash log when I get
home, and make a gif as well.

Thanks again!

On Mon, Jul 9, 2018, 6:15 PM Dirk Hohndel <> wrote:

> Hi Bryan
> > On Jul 9, 2018, at 2:29 PM, Bryan Oliver <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hey, I'm new to the mailing list (signed up today!) and to using
> Subsurface (I am however a dev, so figured I'd just jump in head-first when
> I found this project).
> Yay! We love seeing new users and even more love seeing new developers!
> > I noticed when I ran the QT 5.11.1 built on MBP (High Sierra 10.13.4)
> and clicked:
> >
> > Log => Add Dive => Photos => Load Image(s) from File(s)
> > - then I select an image (jpg) from file explorer, and hit enter
> >
> > Then the app crashes.
> So this is with the binary I referenced below, not with something you
> built from source, correct?
> > Didn't CC the list, wasn't sure if I should? Mainly wasn't sure if this
> was a real problem or if I'm just a supernoob to SS and screwed something
> up.
> Yes, please always Cc the list when you think you find bugs or problems. I
> took the liberty of simply adding the list here.
> And pleeeeaaaase don't call the project SS - that's the Schutz Staffel of
> Nazi Germany and some of us (like, err, me) really don't like that
> abbreviation used for Subsurface... If you really have to use an
> abbreviation, ssrf might work. But it's not that many letters, is it?
> > Let me know if I should go digging for logs or if you were able to
> replicate. Can also make a mini-video.
> Typically when an app crashes on the Mac it offers to report the bug. Take
> it up on that offer and look at the stack traces that it shows - especially
> for the thread that crashed. Then send that stack trace with your report.
> Or dig in and fix the bug :-)
> In this case I wasn't able to reproduce your crash here - but that might
> only mean that I didn't quite hit the scenario that you used in the first
> place. Can you give more information, maybe even send a test image plus the
> precise steps to reproduce this?
> Thanks so much
> And again: WELCOME
> /D
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