> On Jul 16, 2018, at 10:37 PM, Peter Zaal <peter.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding the diacritic characters, I noticed that when you use the literal 
> diacritics in the translated text, this does not show correctly on the 
> website.
> E.g. in the translated text ‘Bühlmann’ shows as ‘Bühlmann’ on the website, 
> or ‘geïntegreerd’ in Transifex shows as ‘geïntegreerd’ on the website.
> Using encoded text in Transifex shows correctly on the website (although not 
> encoded there), e.g. ‘&eacute;&eacute;n’ shows as ‘één’. ‘&amp;’ shows as ‘&’.
> So I guess this means we should use html encoding for the ‘special’ 
> characters.

I don't think that is the case. There is still something "off" here. But I'm 
not sure where in the (way too many step) pipeline it is going wrong.
But no, we should definitely use UTF-8 correct text in Transifex. And I need to 
figure out how to do the other steps without mangling the encoding.


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