> On Mar 25, 2020, at 6:38 PM, Hartley Horwitz via subsurface 
> <subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org> wrote:
> I've been testing iOS build on an iPhone6.  So far it looks really 
> good.  I've tried:
> * Scrolling through the dive list, expanding trips, contracting trips, 
> scrolling through dives within a trip
> * zooming, unzooming, and shifting a zoomed dive profile
> * editing dive notes
> * loading from the cloud
> * adding new dives --> notes below about some issues
> * saving to the cloud
> * filtering dives based on key words
> * showing dives on a map
> * deleting dives

Wow, that's quite a bit of testing. Have you played with the really cool full 
One of my favorite features (HUGE kudos to Berthold). And the most often 
requested feature on mobile :-)

> One unexpected behavior is when I select the "+" sign at the bottom of the 
> dive list to add a new dive.  The screen scrolls immediately to the dive map 
> which I had open from some of the experiments I tried above.  I wasn't aware 
> that the new dive was added to the list - instead i was looking at a map. 
> Only when I selected the dive list again did I realize I had added an 
> un-named dive.  I would have expected that the dive + profile page would have 
> shown, and not the map.  

Definitely. Ha.

> The next unexpected behavior occured when I went to edit the new dive.  I 
> select the pencil to edit, and instead of the screen showing the dive, it is 
> covered by the main subsurface info banner (that contains the dive list, dive 
> management, location, settings, and help menus).  Closing that reveals my new 
> dive and I can edit it as expected.   After the edits, selecting the 'save' 
> icon results in the same thing -- the banner shows up, but the changes I made 
> were saved.

So clearly the page stack gets messed up and we end up switching to the wrong 

> If a video is required, I can make one.  

I don't think so -- what would really help me understand what's going on, 
though, would be a log after the same (or a similar) sequence.
Go through the same steps, once you get to the incorrect page, start a support 
email from within the app and sketch out in the email which steps you took to 
get there. That way I can track the page switches as logged in the log vs what 
you say that you did.

That would likely be a huge help in tracking the issue down.



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