Trying to catch up and get it all into one email...

THANK YOU for all the testing. This is really really useful.

On Thu, 2020-03-26 at 10:10 +0200, Chirana Gheorghita Eugeniu Theodor
> Hey Hello,
> That is pretty good test plan.
> Below my results from a Android 10 phone:
> * Scrolling through the dive list, expanding trips, contracting
> trips, scrolling through dives within a trip  > works ok
> * zooming, unzooming, and shifting a zoomed dive profile > does not
> work on android. No zoom, no nothing... The UI just shifts the next
> dive when I try zooming or other action

Zooming works flawlessly on some devices, ok on others, and is really
hard to start on some. On my "main phone" (a Pixel 3XL) it's a major
pain in the rear...
What works for me most of the time is to put one finger down, wait
maybe a quarter second, then the second finger and start pinching.
But yes, this needs to be better. I just wish I knew how.

> * editing dive notes > works
> * loading from the cloud > works
> * adding new dives > works
> * saving to the cloud > works
> * filtering dives based on key words > works , but I have to press
> multiple times the filter button

The filter sometimes is shown above the visible area. What happens if
you tap on the filter button once and then pull down on the dive list?

> * showing dives on a map > works
> * deleting dives > works
> * undo, redo > works

[next email]
> More:
> when adding manually a dive and pressing the cancel button the new
> dive in displayed without no info but it is not saved . 

Yes, I was able to reproduce that, will figure out a fix before the

> In any screen when I try using back action on smartphone it just
> opens partially the two panels on the sides (menu and dive actions)

Thanks for that screen shot. I tried this on four different Android
phones and cannot reproduce it. Hmm... for me the back button works
reasonably logically as "get out of here, cancel"

> I was unable to find how to create or play with dive trips on
> Android.

[next email]

> So I only can create trips from windows.
> After that trips show in Android .

This is one of those moments when you slap yourself on the forehead and
go "DUH!!! why didn't I notice that????"
You are absolutely correct. That feature is missing. And implementing
it now will create a new string to translate. I hate it when I'm this

> The weird thing is that when I remove a dive from trip or make any
> modofications to the trip , even if I do manual cloud sync, the
> modifications are not saved. 

That I have tested extensively and it works for me.
Can you create a simple test case where you reproduce this behavior
(ideally with a screen shot or two) and then after the error is
visible, send me the logs (simply start an in-app support request...
those all go to me)

Finally, Hartley's email where the Subsurface banner shows up
unexpectedly. I have never seen that one - his next email says he can't
reproduce it... but if anyone DOES see this, IMMEDIATELY send an in-app 
support request please... I want to see the log in that situation.

In summary: a HUGE thanks to Chirana and Hartley for their in depth
testing and reporting. I'm guessing this means no release today, but
that's a good outcome. I much rather have us here find these bugs than
users get frustrated by them.


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