Responding to myself... :-)

> On Jan 18, 2021, at 9:21 AM, Dirk Hohndel via subsurface 
> <> wrote:
> I'm disappointed that you do see that issue with the title bar, but at least 
> now I have that confirmation and can try to dig some more to figure out what 
> I missed in all this. Maybe it's a timing issue that the value is determined 
> to early... I noticed that there are order of initialization differences 
> between iOS and Android (which seems insane) - and most of my testing is 
> indeed on Android or directly with mobile-on-desktop. So I'll do some more 
> iOS testing, I guess.

It turned out to be something else entirely - and it's not clear why I never 
saw the effect as dramatically as you did. But I think that's because of the 
other issue that I mentioned where your font height to gridUnit ratio is just 
Anyway, I believe I found and fixed the issue (at least now the font in the 
title bar updates reliably whenever we change the font size of the app). And in 
case that still doesn't work correctly with your iPhone 12, I added one more 
important piece of information to the log that might help shed some more light 
on this.
Version .366 should be making its way through Apple's TestFlight system soon 
and then we'll see if this was enough to fix it or if some more hackery is 

> Yes, the theme test page looks flat out ridiculous in dark mode. Something 
> else to at least mildly touch up...

That is also fixed in .366 :-)

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