On Sunday, 24 October 2021 17:12:04 PDT Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> [hohndel@fedora build]$ qmake6 ../googlemaps.pro
> Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: location
> So at least qmake6 doesn't appear to know how to build against Qt Location.

Hmm... the "qt_lib_location.pri" file must be missing. I'll take a look 

> Interestingly, when I go to https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtmodules.html
> <https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtmodules.html> - it doesn't list Qt Location... So
> maybe it's only "sort of" there? Or maybe I'm supposed to use it
> differently?

> Oh, and then using
>       dnf repoquery -l qt6-qtlocation-devel
> shows that this package does, indeed, only contain QtPositioning, but not
> QtLocation
> Trying to find anything on this topic via Google has been not very
> successful.
> Any pointers, Thiago?

There was some discussion about only QtPositioning being available... not 
sure. I didn't pay attention. I did a quick check to see if the qtlocation 
repository was tagged with 6.2 but didn't check *what* it installs. I don't 
keep a full build of Qt in my laptop, that's what workstations wit lots of 
cores are for :)

Can you try QT += positioning to see if that helps and replacing the 

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
   Software Architect - Intel DPG Cloud Engineering

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