On Sun, 2022-06-12 at 23:04 +0000, Mark Stiebel via subsurface wrote:
> Another little quirk I found when looking for previous deco dives.. I
> did a search for all dives with O2% > 40%, and Subsurface found five
> dives from 3 or 4 years ago that were certainly not deco dives.  The
> cylinder list for all the dives shows only a single air cylinder. But
> when I export those dives as XML, there are multiple <cylinder> tags.
> This is the strangest one:
> Only one cylinder - a 10L steel, 214 SP, 75 EP, air.
> But for this dive, the XML export shows:
> Five cylinder tags. Now this was from 2017, so I can't remember if I
> made edits to the cylinder, or added and deleted cylinders, or
> anything else. I can say I am pretty sure I've never dived with my
> twin 12s filled with 50% or 100% though!!
> If this is a historical quirk with something, what is the best way to
> correct the cloud storage version? Do I need to export the dives to
> XML, delete them from cloud, then import the XML and re-sync to
> cloud?
> Thanks,
> Mark.
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My dive computers do this as it imports all of the mixes no matter if
they are  active or turned off in the dive computer.

The easiest way to deal with them:
There is a preference setting in equipment to show unused cylinders so
if you turn that on then you can see and delete them in the gui if they
were not used on the dive.


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