On Montag, 8. Jänner 2024 22:26:46 CET Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> > On Jan 8, 2024, at 13:20, Berthold Stoeger wrote:
> > 
> > On Montag, 8. Jänner 2024 22:15:24 CET Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> > >                 0000000000005d78:  ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26
> > >                 __ZN8IosShareD1Ev
> > 
> > Could you show the disassembly of that? Perhaps a tail-call to
> > std::terminate and therefore it doesn't show up in the stack trace?
> of course IosShare is that lovely ObjC++ thing that I did in response to
> stuff I found on the Qt Forum. And I most definitely did that blind because
> I can't even read that code and fully make sense of it...
> Thiago, is that something that makes sense to you?
> here's the disassembled code and yes, it does call terminate...

Does it? At least not directly as far as I can see. I reckon this is the 
exception handler?

> 0000000000000070 <IosShare::~IosShare()>:
>       70: a9be4ff4      stp     x20, x19, [sp, #-32]!
>       74: a9017bfd      stp     x29, x30, [sp, #16]
>       78: 910043fd      add     x29, sp, #16
>       7c: aa0003f3      mov     x19, x0
>       80: f9400000      ldr     x0, [x0]
>       84: 94000000      bl      0x84 <IosShare::~IosShare()+0x14>
>                 0000000000000084:  ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26
> _objc_msgSend$dealloc 88: aa1303e0      mov     x0, x19
>       8c: a9417bfd      ldp     x29, x30, [sp, #16]
>       90: a8c24ff4      ldp     x20, x19, [sp], #32
>       94: d65f03c0      ret
>       98: 94000000      bl      0x98 <IosShare::~IosShare()+0x28>
>                 0000000000000098:  ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26
> ___clang_call_terminate

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